Dr. Mathew Legg
Head of School
New Zeland Skills and Education College
Auckland, New Zealand
My research relates to acoustic/ultrasonic imaging, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) using ultrasonic bulk and guided waves, remote sensing, sensor development, signal processing, 3D computer vision, agricultural sensor development, and indoor localisation.
More than 15 years experience in software/hardware development.
Experienced researcher in the areas of development of sensor and measurement systems, hardware (PCB design, CAD, 3D printing, fabrication, etc), software programming, digital signal processing, data analysis, mathematical modelling, lab/field trials, etc.
About 10 years experience undertaking and managing projects related to development of sensors and measurement systems, acoustics, ultrasonics, 3D computer vision, etc.
Five of my project have been large (Million dollar or more) collaborative projects related to the agricultural, forestry, marine/shipping, power transmission, aeronautical industries.
Experienced in engaging with both internal engineers and external stakeholders.
Over 8 years experience leading the work/research of engineers. This includes being a group leader, project leader and overall project coordinator, Deputy Postgraduate Lead, coordinator of university courses including project based learning courses, and supervisor of students who have successfully completed (4 PhD students [2 as main supervisor], 10 Masters level students, more than 50 honours level students, etc).
Memberships and Professional Service

Systems, Apparatus and Methods for Vegetation Measurement
No.753949, Nationality: New Zealand, Applicant: Gallagher Group Limited.
Bradley, S and Legg, M
BibTeX Bradley, S and Legg, M

Vegetation Measurement Apparatus, Systems, and Methods
No.2019201425, Nationality: Australia, Applicant: Gallagher Group Limited
Bradley, S and Legg, M
Publisher's website
BibTeX Bradley, S and Legg, M
Journal Articles

Visible Light Positioning-Based Robot Localization and Navigation
Electronics, 13(2), 2024
Chew, Moi-Tin and Alam, Fakhrul and Noble, Frazer K. and Legg, Mathew and Gupta, Gourab Sen
Publisher's website
BibTeX Chew, Moi-Tin and Alam, Fakhrul and Noble, Frazer K. and Legg, Mathew and Gupta, Gourab Sen

Grape Maturity Estimation Using Time-of-Flight and LiDAR Depth Cameras
Sensors, 24(16): 5109,2024
Legg, Mathew and Parr, Baden and Pascual, Genevieve and Alam, Fakhrul
Publisher's website
BibTeX Legg, Mathew and Parr, Baden and Pascual, Genevieve and Alam, Fakhrul

Flowrate Sensing and Measurement in Portable Smart Inhalers
Sensors, 24, 6848, 2024
Mysovskikh, I. and Legg, M. and Demidenko, S.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Mysovskikh, I. and Legg, M. and Demidenko, S.

Estimation of the Rod Velocity in Wood using Multi-frequency Guided Wave Measurements
Applied Acoustics, 202: 109108, 2023
Bakar, Adli Hasan Abu and Legg, Mathew and Konings, Daniel and Alam, Fakhrul
Publisher's website
BibTeX Bakar, Adli Hasan Abu and Legg, Mathew and Konings, Daniel and Alam, Fakhrul

The effects of dispersion on time-of-flight acoustic velocity measurements in a wooden rod
Ultrasonics, 129, pp.106912
Bakar, A. and Legg, M. and Konings, D. and Alam, F.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Bakar, A. and Legg, M. and Konings, D. and Alam, F.

Grape yield estimation with a smartphone’s colour and depth cameras using machine learning and computer vision techniques
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 213: 108174
Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Alam, Fakhrul
Publisher's website
BibTeX Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Alam, Fakhrul

Ultrasonic guided wave measurement in a wooden rod using shear transducer arrays
Ultrasonics, 119
Bakar, A. and Legg, M. and Konings, D. and Alam, F.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Bakar, A. and Legg, M. and Konings, D. and Alam, F.

Analysis of Depth Cameras for Proximal Sensing of Grapes
Sensors, 22(4179): 1424-8220, 2022
Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Alam, Fakhrul
Publisher's website
BibTeX Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Alam, Fakhrul

Machine Learning Techniques for Device-Free Localization Using Low-Resolution Thermopiles
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022
Faulkner, N. and Konings, D. and Alam, F. textbfLegg, M. and Demidenko, S.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Faulkner, N. and Konings, D. and Alam, F. textbfLegg, M. and Demidenko, S.

Occluded Grape Cluster Detection and Vine Canopy Visualisation Using an Ultrasonic Phased Array
Sensors, 21(6), 2021
Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Bradley, Stuart and Alam, Fakhrul
Publisher's website
BibTeX Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Bradley, Stuart and Alam, Fakhrul

Accurate ultrasound indoor localization using spring-relaxation technique
Electronics, 10:11
Chew, MT and Alam, F. and Legg, M. and Sen Gupta, G.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Chew, MT and Alam, F. and Legg, M. and Sen Gupta, G.

Device-free localization using privacy-preserving infrared signatures acquired from thermopiles and machine learning
IEEE Access, 9:
Faulkner, N. and Alam, F. and Legg, M. and Demidenko, S.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Faulkner, N. and Alam, F. and Legg, M. and Demidenko, S.

Autonomous fingerprinting and large experimental data set for visible light positioning

Watchers on the Wall: Passive Visible Light-Based Positioning and Tracking with Embedded Light-Sensors on the Wall
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69(5): 2522-2532, 2020
Faulkner, N and Alam, F and Legg, M and Demidenko, S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Faulkner, N and Alam, F and Legg, M and Demidenko, S

CapLoc: Capacitive Sensing Floor for Device-Free Localization and Fall Detection
IEEE Access, 8: 187353-187364, 2020
Faulkner, N. and Parr, B. and Alam, F. and Legg, M. and Demidenko, S.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Faulkner, N. and Parr, B. and Alam, F. and Legg, M. and Demidenko, S.

Accurate Visible Light Positioning using Multiple Photodiode Receiver and Machine Learning
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70: 1-12, 2020
Bakar, A and Glass, T. and Tee, H. and Alam, F. and Legg, M.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Bakar, A and Glass, T. and Tee, H. and Alam, F. and Legg, M.

Ultrasonic Arrays for Remote Sensing of Pasture Biomass
Remote Sensing, 12(1): 111, 2019
Legg, M and Bradley, S
Legg, M and Bradley, S
Journal Article
AcousticArrayArray DesignPasture Biomass EstimationPastureMeterRemote SensingUltrasonic
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Ultrasonic Proximal Sensing of Pasture Biomass

Indoor Visible Light Positioning using Spring-Relaxation Technique in Real-World Setting
IEEE Access, 7: 91347-91359, 2019
Alam, F and Faulkner, N and Legg, M and Demidenko, S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Alam, F and Faulkner, N and Legg, M and Demidenko, S

An ultrasonic guided wave approach for the inspection of overhead transmission line cables
Applied Acoustics, 122: 23-34, 2017
Yücel, Mehmet K and Legg, Mathew and Kappatos, Vassilios and Gan, Tat-Hean
Publisher's website
BibTeX Yücel, Mehmet K and Legg, Mathew and Kappatos, Vassilios and Gan, Tat-Hean

Measurement of Stiffness of Standing Trees and Felled Logs using Acoustics: A Review
Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 139(1), 2016
Legg, M and Bradley S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Legg, M and Bradley S

Acoustic methods for biofouling control: A review
Ocean Engineering, 103: 237-247, 2015
Legg, M and Yücel, MK and Garciade de Carellan, I and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH
Publisher's website
BibTeX Legg, M and Yücel, MK and Garciade de Carellan, I and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH

Increased range of ultrasonic guided wave testing of overhead transmission line cables using dispersion compensation
Ultrasonics, 2015
Legg, M and Yücel, MK and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH
Legg, M and Yücel, MK and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH
Journal Article
AcousticChaplinDispersion CompensationNondestructive TestingTransmission Line CablesUltrasonicUltrasonic Guided Waves
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Coded Waveform Excitation for High Resolution Ultrasonic Guided Wave Response
Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on, 12(1): 257-266, 2015
Yücel, MK and Fateri, S and Legg, M and Wilkinson, A and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH
Publisher's website
BibTeX Yücel, MK and Fateri, S and Legg, M and Wilkinson, A and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH

Automatic 3D scanning surface generation for microphone array acoustic imaging

A combined microphone and camera calibration technique with application to acoustic imaging
Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 22(10): 4028-4039, 2013
Legg, M and Bradley, S
Legg, M and Bradley, S
Journal Article
AcousticAcoustic CameraAcoustic ImagingArrayArray Shape CalibrationCamera CalibrationPhD
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PhD and MSc Thesis

Microphone phased array 3D beamforming and deconvolution
PhD Thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2012
Legg, M.
Legg, M.
PhD Thesis
3D Depth ImagingAcousticAcoustic CameraAcoustic ImagingArray DesignArray Shape CalibrationCamera CalibrationPhD
Publisher's website
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