Acoustic Identification of Grape Clusters Occluded by Foliage
In Sensors and Applications Symposium (SAS 2020), 2020
Parr, B and Legg, M and Alam, F and Bradley, S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Parr, B and Legg, M and Alam, F and Bradley, S

Development of a Hand-held 3D Scanning Acoustic Camera
In Sensors and Applications Symposium (SAS 2020), 2020
Parr, B and Legg, M and Cox, S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Parr, B and Legg, M and Cox, S

Long Range Ultrasonic inspection of aircraft wiring
In Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on, 2014
Parthipan, T and Chong, A and Legg, M and Mohimi, A and Kappatos, V and Jackson, P and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH and Moustakidis, S and Hrissagis, K
Parthipan, T and Chong, A and Legg, M and Mohimi, A and Kappatos, V and Jackson, P and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH and Moustakidis, S and Hrissagis, K
Conference Article
AcousticAircraft WiringNondestructive TestingSafeWireUltrasonicUltrasonic Guided Waves
Publisher's website
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Pulse-compression based iterative time-of-flight extraction of dispersed ultrasonic guided waves
In Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2015 IEEE 13th International conference on, 2015
Yücel, MK and Fateri, S and Legg, M and Wilkinson, A and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH
Publisher's website
BibTeX Yücel, MK and Fateri, S and Legg, M and Wilkinson, A and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH

Vegetation Measurement Apparatus, Systems, and Methods
No.2019201425, Nationality: Australia, Applicant: Gallagher Group Limited
Bradley, S and Legg, M
Publisher's website
BibTeX Bradley, S and Legg, M

Watchers on the Wall: Passive Visible Light-Based Positioning and Tracking with Embedded Light-Sensors on the Wall
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69(5): 2522-2532, 2020
Faulkner, N and Alam, F and Legg, M and Demidenko, S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Faulkner, N and Alam, F and Legg, M and Demidenko, S

Coded Waveform Excitation for High Resolution Ultrasonic Guided Wave Response
Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on, 12(1): 257-266, 2015
Yücel, MK and Fateri, S and Legg, M and Wilkinson, A and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH
Publisher's website
BibTeX Yücel, MK and Fateri, S and Legg, M and Wilkinson, A and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH

Measurement of Stiffness of Standing Trees and Felled Logs using Acoustics: A Review
Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 139(1), 2016
Legg, M and Bradley S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Legg, M and Bradley S

Acoustic antifouling study with application for ship hulls
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 3(4): 14-30, 2016
Habibi, H and Gan, TH and Legg, M and de Carellan, IG and Kappatos, V and Tzitzilonis, V and Selcuk, C
BibTeX Habibi, H and Gan, TH and Legg, M and de Carellan, IG and Kappatos, V and Tzitzilonis, V and Selcuk, C

Microphone phased array 3D beamforming and deconvolution
PhD Thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2012
Legg, M.
Legg, M.
PhD Thesis
3D Depth ImagingAcousticAcoustic CameraAcoustic ImagingArray DesignArray Shape CalibrationCamera CalibrationPhD
Publisher's website