Long Range Ultrasonic inspection of aircraft wiring
In Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on, 2014
Parthipan, T and Chong, A and Legg, M and Mohimi, A and Kappatos, V and Jackson, P and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH and Moustakidis, S and Hrissagis, K
Parthipan, T and Chong, A and Legg, M and Mohimi, A and Kappatos, V and Jackson, P and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH and Moustakidis, S and Hrissagis, K
Conference Article
AcousticAircraft WiringNondestructive TestingSafeWireUltrasonicUltrasonic Guided Waves
Publisher's website
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An ultrasonic guided wave approach for the inspection of overhead transmission line cables
Applied Acoustics, 122: 23-34, 2017
Yücel, Mehmet K and Legg, Mathew and Kappatos, Vassilios and Gan, Tat-Hean
Publisher's website
BibTeX Yücel, Mehmet K and Legg, Mathew and Kappatos, Vassilios and Gan, Tat-Hean

Measurement of Stiffness of Standing Trees and Felled Logs using Acoustics: A Review
Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 139(1), 2016
Legg, M and Bradley S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Legg, M and Bradley S

Increased range of ultrasonic guided wave testing of overhead transmission line cables using dispersion compensation
Ultrasonics, 2015
Legg, M and Yücel, MK and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH
Legg, M and Yücel, MK and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH
Journal Article
AcousticChaplinDispersion CompensationNondestructive TestingTransmission Line CablesUltrasonicUltrasonic Guided Waves
Publisher's website
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Non-destructive assessment of wood properties in tree stems using acoustic imaging
New Zealand Acoustics, 28(3): 20-24, 2015
Legg, M and Bradley, S
Legg, M and Bradley, S
Journal Article
AcousticAcoustic CameraAcoustic ImagingArrayGCFFKnot DetectionMaterial CharacterisationNondestructive TestingWood NDT
Publisher's website