Flowrate Sensing and Measurement in Portable Smart Inhalers
Sensors, 24, 6848, 2024
Mysovskikh, I. and Legg, M. and Demidenko, S.
Publisher's website
BibTeX Mysovskikh, I. and Legg, M. and Demidenko, S.

Ultrasonic Sensing of Pasture Biomass
4th International Caparica Conference on Ultrasonic-based Applications: from analysis to synthesis 2020 (Ultrasonics 2020), 2020
Legg, M and Bradley, S and King, W
BibTeX Legg, M and Bradley, S and King, W

Occluded Grape Cluster Detection and Vine Canopy Visualisation Using an Ultrasonic Phased Array
Sensors, 21(6), 2021
Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Bradley, Stuart and Alam, Fakhrul
Publisher's website
BibTeX Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Bradley, Stuart and Alam, Fakhrul

Design of an adaptive microphone phased array for investigating 3D deconvolution
International Symposium on Sustainability in Acoustics (ISSA 2010), 2010
Legg, M. and Bradley, S.
BibTeX Legg, M. and Bradley, S.

Tracking of migratory birds using 2D microphone arrays
International Symposium on Sustainability in Acoustics (ISSA 2010), 2010
Legg, M. and Wiens, T. and Bradley, S.
BibTeX Legg, M. and Wiens, T. and Bradley, S.

Identification and Utilisation of Ultrasonic Guided Waves for Inspection of ACSR Cables
In 11th European conference on Non Destructive Testing (ECNDT2014), 2014
Yücel, MK and Legg, M and Livadas, M and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and GAN, TH
Yücel, MK and Legg, M and Livadas, M and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and GAN, TH
Conference Article
AcousticChaplinNondestructive TestingTransmission Line CablesUltrasonicUltrasonic Guided Waves
Publisher's website
BibTeX BibTeX

Experimental measurement of acoustic guided wave propagation in logs
In 19th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, 2015
Legg, M and Bradley, S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Legg, M and Bradley, S

Comparison of CLEAN-SC for 2D and 3D scanning surfaces
4th Berlin Beamforming Conference, Berlin. 06 Feb 2012
Legg, M and Bradley, S
Publisher's website
BibTeX Legg, M and Bradley, S

Characterisation of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in the Application of Prevention of Fouling on a Ship’s Hull
In International conference on Maritime Technology, 2014
Garcia De Carellan, I and Moustakidis, S and Legg, M and Dave, R and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and others
BibTeX Garcia De Carellan, I and Moustakidis, S and Legg, M and Dave, R and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and others