Grape yield estimation with a smartphone’s colour and depth cameras using machine learning and computer vision techniques
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 213: 108174
Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Alam, Fakhrul
Publisher's website
Parr, Baden and Legg, Mathew and Alam, Fakhrul

Development of a Hand-held 3D Scanning Acoustic Camera
In Sensors and Applications Symposium (SAS 2020), 2020
Parr, B and Legg, M and Cox, S
Publisher's website
Parr, B and Legg, M and Cox, S

Microphone Array 3D Acoustic Imaging
In ASNZ conference 2018: Making the Building Boom Quiet, 2018
Yanamandra, Y and Parr, B and Kainuku, M and Legg, M
Yanamandra, Y and Parr, B and Kainuku, M and Legg, M

Automatic 3D scanning surface generation for microphone array acoustic imaging

Microphone phased array 3D beamforming and deconvolution
PhD Thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2012
Legg, M.
Legg, M.
PhD Thesis
3D Depth ImagingAcousticAcoustic CameraAcoustic ImagingArray DesignArray Shape CalibrationCamera CalibrationPhD
Publisher's website