European Union 7th Framework Program project
Brunel University, Innotecuk UK, Cereteth, Lloyd'S Register, WRS Marine Inspections and Services, Sofchem, Enkon
Biofouling is the adhesion of biological materials to hard surfaces, such as ship hulls, in a marine environment. Biofouling increased friction for ships, which it to use up more fuel and correspondingly to produce more CO2 emissions. There are environmental concerns related to use of antifouling coatings. The Cleanship project developed a guided wave ultrasonic antifouling system for ships.
Project coordinator on behalf of Prof. Tat-Hean Gan and project leader for Brunel. Performed hardware development, lab tests including laser scanning vibrometry, and field trials.
BIC CleanShip Webpage Link

Characterisation of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in the Application of Prevention of Fouling on a Ship’s Hull
Garcia De Carellan, I and Moustakidis, S and Legg, M and Dave, R and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and others

Acoustic methods for biofouling control: A review
Legg, M and Yücel, MK and Garciade de Carellan, I and Kappatos, V and Selcuk, C and Gan, TH

Acoustic antifouling study with application for ship hulls
Habibi, H and Gan, TH and Legg, M and de Carellan, IG and Kappatos, V and Tzitzilonis, V and Selcuk, C