Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and by co-funding from Gallagher Group Ltd.
Oct 2015 – Dec. 2019
The University of Auckland (Stuart Bradley), Massey University (Mathew Legg), and AgResearch (Warren King).
The profitability of agricultural industries that utilise pasture can be strongly affected by the ability to accurately measure pasture biomass. This project development of an ultrasonic array system for pasture biomass measurement from a farm vehicle. Unlike previous systems, the device measures pasture density variations vertically through the grass depth and detects the ground position.
Development of the novel ultrasonic hardware for pasture biomass estimation. Performed farm bike field trials with AgResearch, developed signal processing algorithms and analysed results. I initially work on this project as a Postdoc at the University of Auckland and under a subcontract when I joined Massey.

Ultrasonic Arrays for Remote Sensing of Pasture Biomass
Legg, M and Bradley, S

Ultrasonic Proximal Sensing of Pasture Biomass

Vegetation Measurement Apparatus, Systems, and Methods
Bradley, S and Legg, M

Systems, Apparatus and Methods for Vegetation Measurement
Bradley, S and Legg, M

Precision Ultrasonic Sonar for Pasture Biomass

Adaptable Beam-width Ultrasound Array for Remotely Sensing Vegetation Properties

Ultrasonic Sensing of Pasture Biomass
Legg, M and Bradley, S and King, W